Back to All Events Florida Fit POP UP Class : Dance X Hiit Fitness Sunday, December 8, 2019 2:00 PM 3:15 PM Google Calendar ICS if you love to dance, and love to WORK IT OUT - this is a class designed for you. Come enjoy Antwon’s class - FLORIDA FIT - for a full body, beat-bumping, dance and HIIT Fitness class. You’ll have too much fun to remember you are kicking your a$$ :P sign up here
Florida Fit POP UP Class : Dance X Hiit Fitness Sunday, December 8, 2019 2:00 PM 3:15 PM Google Calendar ICS if you love to dance, and love to WORK IT OUT - this is a class designed for you. Come enjoy Antwon’s class - FLORIDA FIT - for a full body, beat-bumping, dance and HIIT Fitness class. You’ll have too much fun to remember you are kicking your a$$ :P sign up here